Hello there! My name is Tessah.
Born in New England I grew up on rocky shores and salt water air.
I was raised by a single mother who made sure I always had a pencil in hand and paper nearby. I have her to thank for supporting and kindling the passion I have today.
In my bodies of work you’ll find subjects from fantasy and folklore to studies of the natural world and everything in between. I’m often inspired by musical lyrics, textures, emotions, colors and more. I never know where the next inspiration will come from!
One thing is sure; I can never stay away from art for too long. When I’m not holding a pencil or a paintbrush you might find me at The Wishing Weaver, twisting metals around precious minerals or fossils to make something new.
Most of all, I love the connection art offers us, as humans, which goes beyond the constraints of language.
Welcome, to my little home on the internet.
Fine Art & Illustration
Handwoven Jewelry